Chocolate Biscuit Cake Mini Christmas Puds Wednesday, December 18, 2024

query_builder 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Florida Academy of Baking
1370 Highway A1A, Suite E
Satellite Beach, FL  32937 
Registration Price: $169.00 Price per station/duo


Come along and learn how to make and decorate a selection of Chocolate Biscuit Cake Christmas Puds with Rory McEllin. Apparently, this was the Queen’s favorite cake, but if that doesn’t convince you- it was THE most popular cake flavor I made in Ireland for years!

In addition to a few secret ingredients, it contains dark and milk chocolate, biscuits (cookies in the US), a selection of sweets and you can even add booze infused dried fruit and nuts! They’re so rich you only need a little bit to satisfy even the biggest sweet tooth. The recipe makes 6 mini puds and several mini gift tins so you have lots of options for gift giving!

We use only the best chocolate and other ingredients to make these delightful treats and you can customize your flavors to suit your own personal taste. During class you'll get to enjoy a taste or two of your instructor’s chocolaty goodies and you get to bring home all the treats you make to share with your friends and family!


Preview image here

Suitable for Dynamic Duos - please book only 1 station per couple/duo

call 321-622-6185
mail_outline [email protected]
1370 Highway A1A, Suite E Satellite Beach, FL 32937

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info Disclaimer! We reserve the right to cancel classes due to low registration, inclement weather, or for any other unforeseen reason. Students will be notified via email and/or text of this cancellation. Students will have the first right of notification and registration if the class is simply postponed and rescheduled for a later date. If unable to commit to the rescheduled date, the student will be refunded his or her registration in full per their request, no matter whether the class is canceled months in advance or 24 hours prior to class.